Danssup is a platform where dancers can showcase their talents, Gurus can monetize their lesson videos, Learners can watch and learn any dance form from top gurus around the world, anywhere anytime, even with minimum or no cost. Dance lovers can watch and praise the trends and follow them easily. Professionals can make their profile and find Jobs/work easily on the platform , to make good reputation and money.
Download the app from Android / ios App stores (Link : https://www.danssup.com/applink.html) Follow the signup / login steps and explore the world of dance thru danssup. Find and follow your favourite dancers.
In app /website there are options to buy subscriptions, which can be bought anytime to avail premimum features / vip tags with name etc. Its available for 1 month, 6 months and 12 months veriations

You can record a video with an audio / video track,

1. Tap on record button on Tab bar

2. Allow all required permissions for recording a video,

3. Tap on Add Track button on left bottom side

4. On Tracks screen you can search for desired track/song/music for Audio / Video type.

5. After search tap on the left side of the Row appeared to play and listen/watch the track.

6. To use the track for recording tap on TICK button or you can TRIM the track as per your requirement

7. After selecting the track you will be returned to recording screen, not tap on recording button / Timer to start track and recording on same time.

You can record a video without holding down the record button (orange circle).

1. Tap the Record Video icon to shoot a video.

2. Select the track if required, and then tap on Timer

3. Once the countdown is turned on, the app will count 5 - 6 - 7 -8 (4 seconds) then start recording. You can stop recording by tapping the record button.

There are several methods 1. Invite user : when any user joins with your invite code you get 25 points.
2. Watch ad and earn coins.
3. Open/Use Danssup app and earn Danssup coins daily.
4. Purchase coins from ‘in app’ purchases.
Yes if its allowed by the user one who uploaded it

In Danssup, videos are into two categories:

- Public: public videos can be viewed by all other users.

- Private: Only you can view your private videos.

Set your video to private

- While uploading you video, you can choose to set it as private video

- After recording been upload, you can go to the video, and tap on ... to see full menu, then tap on Privacy setting, there you can choose to set it to Private or public

There is not limit, any number of users wish to join / watch your lesson video can join/watch

After recording been upload, you can go to the video, and tap on ... to see full menu, then tap on Delete button, after confirmation it will delete the video and its all comments too.

If you have bought subscriptions from Android App stores you can follow : https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7018481 to cancel your subscription and if you have bougt subscription from Apple app store follow : https://support.apple.com/en-bn/HT202039, FYI, subscription amount already been paid are not refundabble.

1. Go to Home Tab

2. Tap on Left Top Menu

3. Tap on Picture or your name appeared on menu

4. Tap on picture on profile screen,

5. Take a new picture or upload a picture from your gallery.

You can report abuse, spam, or anything else that doesn’t follow our Community Guidelines within the app.

Report an account

1. Go to the profile of the account you want to report.

2. Tap the ... icon

3. Tap Report this User and follow the steps in the app.

Report a recording/video

1. Open the video and tap the ... icon

2. Tap Report and follow the steps in the app.

Withdrawal requirement:

You will need to have a PayPal/PayTM/other account (as mentioned in our accepted payment term) in order to request a cash withdrawal. You should make sure your PayPal/Paytm/other account information provided to us is accurate, complete and update-to-date, and you will be solely responsible for any consequences as a result of inaccurate or incomplete PayPal account information being provided.

The minimum amount for making a cash withdrawal request from us is US$100. You can only withdraw when you have an account balance of more than US$100 Each user can withdraw no more than US$1,000 per calendar day.

Going to withdraw indicates you agree with our Terms of Service.

We will not charge you any fee for processing your withdrawal request. However, PayPal/PayTM/Other (as mentioned in our accepted payment term) might charge transaction fees for processing your cash withdrawal request or any follow-up requests.

You can visit PayPal/PayTM/Other (mentioned in our accepted payment term) official website to learn more about their transaction fees.

Each withdrawal application will be reviewed and processed by us for security reasons within 15 calendar days of receipt, but it is not guaranteed that each withdrawal application will be approved within the aforesaid time frame. Further, PayPal/PayTM/Other (as mentioned in our accepted payment term) may place your funds on hold for a further period of time (at their sole discretion) due to their screening requirements. Therefore, please allow a further period of 21 calendar days for funds to be transferred to your PayPal/PayTM/Other (as mentioned in our accepted payment term) account. We will try to process withdrawal requests in a timely manner, however we do not guarantee that payments will be made within a specific period. Contact us if you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Careful, Deleted account can not be recovered. If you are having an issue on Danssup, please contact the support team and let us know.

1. Go to Home Tab

2. Tap on Left Top Menu

3. Tap the Settings .

4. Tap Delete Account.

5. Follow the steps in the app to delete your account.

Once your account is deleted:

- You can not use the account to log in to Danssup web /app.

- You will lose access to the videos /contents you have posted.

- You will lose access to purchased items and would not be able to receive a refund.

- Shared information, such as chat messages, may still be visible to others.

Please contact thru email at [email protected] for any queries/suggestions/feedback.
A Danssup coin is a value point that can only be earned or used within Danssup app to avail different services.
These coins can be used to unlock dance tutorials videos given by ‘dance gurus (teachers)’ in the ‘learn’ section of the app. Coins are also used to gift stickers in the comment section of the videos to show extra appreciation/emotions. Usage of coins may differ with time in respect to new offered services. For the updates keep checking ‘Announcement’ icon in Danssup app.
Follow: Menu > Guru Membership > Complete 4 Steps.
Click on `Learn` section present in the bottom right of the app. Choose Guru/Trainer from the list and click on their lessons to unlock and watch.
Once the account is deleted, there is no option to recoved it.